
Et 3-årigt europæisk projekt for hip hop dansere, støttet af Creative Europe

A 3-year European capacity building project for hip hop dance artists supported by Creative Europe

Attitudes er et kapacitetsopbygnings- og co-produktions projekt inden for hip hop-dans. Attitudes har til formål at skabe en platform for kunstnerisk skabelse, international udveksling for bæredygtige produktioner og grønnere turnéer. Attitudes tilbyder en bred vifte af aktiviteter til et ungt og til et mangfoldigt publikum, der kan opleve den brede og forskellighed, som hip hop-dans har at byde på. Attitudes har fokus på udvikling af danse potentialet og fokus på hip hop dansekunstnerne har i forhold til kulturorganisationer og tilskudsgivere i de deltagende europæiske lande. Attitudes har til formål at skabe og afprøve modeller for inklusive arbejdsprocesser inden for kunstnerisk kuratering og kommunikationsstrategier ved at engagere kunstnere fra hip hop-fællesskaberne i beslutningsprocessen.

Attitudes består af 6 partnere, der er professionelle organisationer med bred erfaring inden for samarbejde inden for hip hop-dans og scenekunst: Norrlandsoperan (SE), Dansekapellet (DK), hip hop-dansefestivallerne HOP (ES) og Summer Dance Forever (NL), Kampnagel (DE) og koreograficentret CCNRB (FR).

Attitudes vil resultere i 6 fællesproduktioner, hvor publikummer samles på 25 forskellige spillesteder i 6 lande. De involverede kunstnere vil få mulighed for at møde potentielle nationale og internationale samarbejdspartnere. I løbet af mere end 150 workshops, 30 seminarer eller talks, 28 residencies, vil hip hop-danse kunstnere såvel som publikummer mødes for at opbygge færdigheder, skabe stærkere fællesskaber og opleve glæden ved dans.

Attitudes anvender hip hop-fællesskabsprincippet "Each one teach one" (hvor alle i fællesskabet påtager sig ansvaret for at dele viden) inden for kapacitetsopbygningsaktiviteterne: kunstnere, kulturarbejdere og publikum er alle forbundet og drager fordel af fælles færdigheder og erfaringer.

*Attitudes is part of Re-Imagine Europe and co-funded by the European Union 🇪🇺.*  


Attitudes is a capacity building and co-creation project with hip hop dance.  Attitudes aims to provide platform for artistic creation, international exchange for sustainable production and greener touring, combined with mentoring to hip hop dancers to enable the dancers access for international collaborations. Attitudes offers a wide range of activities to young and diverse audiences to experience the excellence that hip hop dance has to offer. Attitudes raises and promote awareness of the potential and challenges for hip hop dance artists and communities among performing arts organisations, funders and policymakers in the participating European countries. Attitudes aims to create and test models for inclusive work processes in artistic curating and communication strategies by engaging artists from the hip hop communities in the decision making.

The consortium of 6 partners are professional organisations with a broad variety of experiences from collaborations in hip hop dance and performing arts: Norrlandsoperan (SE), Dansekapellet (DK), hip hop dance festivals HOP (ES) and Summer Dance Forever (NL), Kampnagel (DE) and choreographic center CCNRB (FR).

Attitudes will result in 6 co-productions for stage and alternative spaces gathering young and diverse audiences at 25 different touring locations in 6 countries. The involved artists will encounter potential national and international collaborators. During more than 150 workshops, 30 round tables, 28 residencies, including sharing’s in battles and jams,

experienced hip hop dance artists as well as young and diverse audiences will gather to build skills, create stronger communities and to experience the joy of dance.

Attitudes applies the hip hop community principle of Each one teach one (everyone in the community takes responsibility to share knowledge) on the capacity building activities: artists, cultural workers, audiences all are connected and profit from shared skills and experiences.

Attitudes is part of Re-Imagine Europe and co-funded by the European Union 🇪🇺. 



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