Attitudes International Dance Festival

Attitudes International Dance Festival

Attitudes International Dance Festival

Celebrating Street and Club Dance

Benoîte Fanton. Photo. ALSHE/ME

Attitudes International Dance Festival is three days with international performances, funky workshops, meet the artists event and afterparty with DJ and dance floor. The festival will takes place October 24-26, 2024 at Dansekapellet.

The program will be out soon! 


This performance permits the audience to witness dancer and choreographer, Black Pearl's personal journey of resilience and self-acceptance. Impulsed by the interplay of light and sound, Black Pearl navigates through different spaces. Dancing, initially fueled by joy, transitioning to the pressure to conform and produce to please others. Awakening to moments of realization and empowerment driven by the raw energy of various dance styles: hip hop, classical, contemporary, and vogue. “Anybody walking?”
CHOREOGRAPHER: Black Pearl de Almeida. 
DANCER: Black Pearl de Almeida 

SO CLOSE, AWAY - Conversations with the Past (DK)
The performance takes a closer look at love's gestures through the lens of the story of three childhood friends and their connection. The narrative explores how separation impacts relationships and how these small gestures profoundly influence our lives, building unique memories in our journeys. 
DANCERS: Camilla Siddu, Michael Rossi, Zuni Trosborg

The exploration of the (lack of) things that we have learned from our fathers. As we grow and become men, the absence of our fathers affects us more than ever. We carry memories for guidance and hope that our shadows are them and will protect us. Two young black men from different sides of the world explore the long- ingrained, toxic masculinity that is passed on generation to generation, sometimes actively by a father who is present, and the other times through the absence of a father figure. In a physical conversation blended with hip hop dance, they share and learn from their differences and similarities. 
DANCERS: Joao M. Balde Arias AKA Juan & Angel Ali Gonzalez Felix
CHOREOGRAPHER: Ibrah Silas Jackson

AlShe/Me (FR)
In AlShe/Me (pronounced 'alchimie' as the French word for chemistry), choreographer and dancer, Linda Hayford develops her research on metamorphosis and physical transformation. This creation for (and with) a brother and a sister makes central the notions of influences on each other, whatever it is suffered, perceived or internalized. This two-people play, between similarities and subtle differences, illustrates the exclusive relations that is able to link one to another. Beyond words and implicit empathy, it gives place to each one to develop its own singularity.
DANCERS: Linda Hayford og Mike Hayford

The dawn comes gently; everything seems to be cleansed of what might have happened the day before. It is with this sense of renewal that the divas stand up and take the stage. The essence of each of the five performers spreads; the divas are animated and linked by the same energy, the same duty. Their fascinating internal strength is the focus of their constant struggle. Through their collective energy, this strength manages to grow so that each of the divas finally asserts and reveals herself. The duty of these women becomes urgent. Urgent to be heard. Urgent to take the spotlight. At dawn, consciences must be awakened. It is time for this magical, hopeful morning to bring wisdom, peace and harmony.
DANCERS: Séréna Freira, Julie Laventure, Leila Miretti, Stéphie Téhoué, Mayvis William CHOREOGRAPHER:Nicolas Huchard 
LIGHT DESIGNER: Marine Stroeher 
PRODUCER/TOUR MANAGER: Clémentine Dagousset



Black Pearl de Almeida, born in Brazil, is a multidisciplinary artist known for her work as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, and model. Graduating from Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst she gained recognition at events like the Prix de Lausanne. Working with prestigious companies like Gauthier Dance Company and Ballet of Difference, she earned international acclaim. She takes part in the Queer BIPOC collective House of Brownies, and she advocates for representation and challenges colonial narratives and the invisibility of trans entities through her art. In 2021 she initiated The German ballroom scene, currently Being 007 in both scenes.

Camilla Siddu, originally from Italy, is a Copenhagen-based Hip Hop Dancer and Choreographer. Her dance is grounded in the foundations of HipHop with a focus on freestyle. Member of the Whitenoise crew, she works as a teacher, judge, and choreographer at national events in Italy and Denmark, while also competing at international events. In the Attitudes-project she works with dancers, Michael Rossi and Zuni Trosborg. Michael from Whitenoise Crew, is a dancer and a music producer who excels in Popping. Zuni Trosborg from Cypher Movement Crew is a dancer and a fashion designer. He dances for several brands and events and he actively participates in international competitions.

Ibrah Silas Jackson is a director and choreographer from Rotterdam. His foundation in creating lies in Hip Hop culture, but he also gained more knowledge about different movement disciplines such as Contemporary, Funk styles and African cultural styles. The core of his work exists of storytelling through visual arts and movements. Ibrah is a dancer of Ghetto Funk Collective and he started choreographing theater pieces in 2021. In the Attitudes-project he works with dancers, Joao M. Balde Arias AKA Juan and Angel Ali Gonzalez Felix in the constellation CREATE4.

Linda Hayford (AlShe/Me) is best known as an ambassador for Popping, but her dance practice has evolved through the encounter between genres and moves. Taking a crossover of styles as her starting point, the choreographer seeks an aesthetic focused on metamorphosis. For Linda Hayford, this has become a tool to reflect on constantly changing concepts of identity, and on the complexity of not belonging.

Nicolas Huchard (The Barefoot Diva) has been dancing his whole life. He was only six when he choreographed his first dance. Since then, he’s danced for the world’s greats: Jean Paul Gaultier, Marion Motin, Madonna, Maurice Béjart. Each collaboration is an exploration of boundaries – between softness and strength, between feminine and masculine, between continents and disciplines. Nicolas Huchard likes rough edges – which create uniqueness. The launch of his company in 2018 embodies this exploration, its values and its struggles. It’s a political terrain where dance inscribes activism in bodies: in “social dance”.

Attitudes International Dance Festival is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Augustinus Fonden and Knud Højgaards Fond. Attitudes is co-funded by 'Creative Europe'.

Attitudes International Dance Festival 2024

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Viola Lynge
The selected co-production from Denmark: Camilla Siddu and dancers: Zuni Trosborg og Michael Rossi.
photographer Samuel Pettersson